Workplace Active Certification
The project
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, WAC is a two-year project designed to set up, test and launch a certification process for companies.

The WAC project is a direct continuity of EMoCS – European Meetings of Company Sport – which showed the potential and need to develop a certification for companies dedicated to promoting health enhancing physical activity in and around the workplace
Project background
Most of the time, Sport and HEPA are promoted by Sport associations, (whose first interest remains on the sportive/competitive aspects), or by Health institutes. The innovative aspects of the proposal lie in the choice of a specific channel to tackle the inactivity in the EU: the Company. Indeed, the Company, as the context and venue for enrolling employees into physical activities is particularly fit to apply EU tools for several reasons
In most European countries, there are solutions/tools/reference documents/standards/programs to improve the quality of work life (either from a safety perspective, social conditions, physical and mental health and well-being, sports and recreation, social responsibilities, etc.). This is done both at national and regional level in the context of public health policies, but also within the private business sector itself through networks, umbrella associations, etc. As a result, the development of a new certification system in the field of physical activity (but ultimately health and well-being) should be able to act as a “unifying” tool, complementary to what already exists. And what is better than EU to engage and unify good national practices?
Project title
Workplace Active Certification
Project duration
Two year project from the 1st of January 2020 to the 31st of December 2022
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
10 partners and 1 associated partner from 7 countries
Why launch a European Active Workplace Certification
The WAC project, for Workplace Active Certification, is a two-year project which follows the path of a previous Erasmus+ Project, EMoCS – European Meeting of Company Sport. The EMoCS project showed the need for a unique certification for companies to promote their initiatives towards wellbeing, wellness, health with regards to physical activity.
Local and European Policy makers are dedicated to promote healthier and better lifestyles to tackle the unaxectably high level of sedentarity in Europe. The approach behind WAC, to trigger the workplace, comes as an accelaterator in the promotion of health-enhancing activities.
Discover the WAC timeline
Research and definition of the certification criteria.
Call for applicants and pilot test of the certification.
First certifications and release in Europe.
- Research and study on the field of company sport, health and wellness health-enhancing initiatives.
- Research and methodology on the certification process.
- Call for application and ethical charter methodology.
- Certification methodology test group.
- Call for application and pilot test with pioneer companies.
- Official launch of the certification.
- First award ceremony for certified companies.
Erasmus+ Programme you said
Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training.
- Reducing unemployment, especially among young people
- Promoting adult learning, especially for new skills and skills required by the labour market.
- Encouraging young people to take part in European democracy
- Supporting innovation, cooperation and reform
- Reducing early school leaving
- Promoting cooperation and mobility with the EU’s partner countries
Workplace Active Certification: the project
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, WAC is a two-year project designed to set up, test and launch a certification process for companies.
Project background
Most of the time, Sport and HEPA are promoted by Sport associations, (whose first interest remains on the sportive/competitive aspects), or by Health institutes. The innovative aspects of the proposal lie in the choice of a specific channel to tackle the inactivity in the EU: the Company. Indeed, the Company, as the context and venue for enrolling employees into physical activities is particularly fit to apply EU tools for several reasons
In most European countries, there are solutions/tools/reference documents/standards/programs to improve the quality of work life (either from a safety perspective, social conditions, physical and mental health and well-being, sports and recreation, social responsibilities, etc.). This is done both at national and regional level in the context of public health policies, but also within the private business sector itself through networks, umbrella associations, etc. As a result, the development of a new certification system in the field of physical activity (but ultimately health and well-being) should be able to act as a “unifying” tool, complementary to what already exists. And what is better than EU to engage and unify good national practices?
Project title
Workplace Active Certification