The WAC (Workplace Active Certification) project teams up with the HEMA (Healthy Employee Mobile and Active) project, both lead by the European Federation for Company Sport, to organise a conference on “Post COVID-19 Active Workplace”.
Joins us in Brussels – or stream online – this conference organised with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
What to expect of that conference
Joins us in Brussels – or stream online – this conference organised with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
All you need to know
Thursday, November the 16th 2021
Tour & Taxis – Herman Teirlinck Building, Av. du Port 88, Brussels
Or stream online
Discover the first Active Workplace Certification video Active Workplace Certification
Our objective is to develop a certification for companies dedicated to promoting health-enhancing physical activity in and around the workplace.
Get on board and follow the Active Workplace Certification project
Follow the project at and on Twitter @CompanysportEU #WAC and LinkedIn “Workplace Active Certification”.