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From EMoCS to WAC

From EMoCS to Active Workplace Certification

At the end of the EMoCS project, partners expressed their feeling on the project and its deliverables. All partners spoke highly of the project and its means. 

The project was also very warmly received by the target audience. It comforted the initial thoughts of creating a certification. The EMoCS project has paved the way to a new Erasmus+ project (WAC) which is the direct continuity which aim is to create the certification.

Getting started on Active Workplace Certification

The WAC project, for Workplace Active Certification, is a two-year project which follows the path of a previous Erasmus+ Project, EMoCS – European Meeting of Company Sport. The EMoCS project showed the need for a unique certification for companies to promote their initiatives towards wellbeing, wellness, health with regards to physical activity.

The WAC project kick-offs where EMoCS left off. WAC will today work on the creation of the certification. A first draft and test version will be launched during the 2020 European Week of Sport. After the evaluation process, the certification will officially be launched during the 2021 European Week of Sport. The first applicants will be evaluated in 2022 for an official certification award during the 2022 European Week of Sport. This project will gather 10 partners from over Europe to offer concrete solutions to the creation of a European-wide certification on health, wellness, physical activity in the workplace.

The partners

The WAC project will be supported by a strong consortium lead by the European Federation for Company Sport and represented by:

  • French Federation for Company Sport
  • European Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry
  • Evaleo
  • University of Copenhagen
  • Sport & Citizenship
  • Chamber of Commerce of Corinth
  • Olympic Committee of Slovenia
  • Artevelde University College Ghent
  • Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations


The EMoCS partners were invited during the final PSG meeting to remain in the network of the WAC project to follow, advocate, promote and of course share their good practice to the consortium.