The WAC (Workplace Active Certification) project led by the European Federation for Company aims to launch the WAC certification in September 2021 and grant the first “certified” workplaces during the European Week of Sport 2022.
WAC Pioneers phase
The project has entered a new stage of its development: Pioneers’ scheme. A group of 28 organisations have been selected to constitute an “expert committee” in the framework of the Pioneers’ scheme as the major end users of the certification. This committee will be in charge of experimenting, testing and delivering feedback on the certification criteria and user experience. The kick-off webinar meeting between the 28 organisations was held on December, the 17th 2020.
Focus on Pioneers' scheme
Learn more on the Pioneers
Partners from the WAC project have identified and sent out a call for application to targeted workplaces that could be involved as pioneers. As part of the selection process, organisations were invited to answer, specifying their motivation and criteria, on:
What is already implemented on a managerial level in the workplace (policy, HR, organisation, resources, external collaboration…);
What activities are implemented within the workplace for employees (physical activity and sport programmes…);
The vision around physical activity and well-being in general at the workplace, a summary of activities implemented in this field.
28 workplaces from 7 countries have been selected (France, Belgium, Austria, Malta, Slovenia, Greece, and Spain) following representative criteria: country, size, business area, legal form, experience and commitment to physical activity, gender equality.
What's next for the Pioneers
The next steps for the WAC Pioneers will be individual interviews, end users questionnaires with WAC partners before a second general meeting in June 2021.
Get on board and follow the project
Follow the project at and on Twitter @CompanysportEU #WAC and LinkedIn “Workplace Active Certification”.